What We Do At Public Talk ?

We at Public Talk gather latest and genuine reviews on movies of different genre and languages. We rate movies purely based on the public review gathered from different sources. Our sources include students, critics, our users and many more. We try hard to provide the best review after analyzing all factors involved in judging a movie. We understand the efforts made by the technicians to make a movie out of scratch. We dont judge a movie based on a particular actor, actress, director,or someone we can assure you that are reviews are genuine.
Hold On...!!That's not yet over....we take time out of our daily schedule and find out events happening around your location. In the events section you can find out the upcomming events and events that are going on. We bring you the latest information of all these events. We suggest events based on their previous performances. Events including Fests happenning in the Universities and Colleges are also rated based particular factors.

Why Public Talk?

You might have asked yourself why Public Talk when there are over a dozen websites around you. Public Talk as the name speaks is an organisation that works on inputs from the general public. So we work on inputs based on general talk, sit together analyze the reviews received and finally rate a movie. We have a single review based system were there is only one review for a movie so that you do'nt end up in confusion.

How Did Public Talk Evolve...!!

We, students are bascially fascinated toward movies.We watch movies as a hobbie.Usually we end up in different opinions of a movie. In a group there is always a fan, a critic, a movie lover and many...!! So its obvious we are unable to judge a movie.We are influenced by many reviews. This has become the base for Public Talk. Analyzing the reviews and comming to a conclusion is the basic motto of Public Talk and is also the resson of its evolution.